Our understanding of how the face ages has transformed how we now advice our patients regarding procedures to rejuvenate the aging face.


Whereas in the past we were just concentrating on procedures to tighten skin and replace volume lost , we now acknowledge that the process of aging is much more complex and involves dynamic muscle changes, aging of the anchoring complex/ true ligaments , bone resorption, facial fat loss and repositioning among others,


With this mind, we advocate a multi dimensional approach to achieve a balanced look that restores the youthful features to your face.


  1. HIFU non surgical skin lifting and facial contouring
  2. Slyfirm RF — Anti Aging Treatment for your Skin
  3. True Lift — using Restylane Lyft to correct the aging changes associated with the anchoring complex of the face
  4. Dermal Hyaluronic Acid Fillers to replace facial volume loss
  5. Lasers and or Skin Boosters to restore the skin texture and hydro balance.


All these procedures can be done singly or in various combinations to suit your preference and needs.